SRI (System of Rice Intensification)
Initial Status : Average yield of paddy in medium land in the district was 30 –35 q/ha. In 2005 – 06, the adoption of SRI technology was nil.
The average productivity enhanced to 68 q/ha
Extensionstrategies followed
- On-farm testing
- Training Programmes
- Field days`
- Radio talks & leaflets
Presently 781 nos. of farmers adopted in 674 ha area in the district. Projected area in next 3 years is expected as 2000 ha
A farmers’ seminar was organized on 16.10.2009

Power reaper
Initial Status : Shortage of labour in peak hour and drudgery for manual reaping. In 2005-06 total nos. of power reaper was 40 nos in the district
Extensionstrategies followed:
- Field demonstration followed by field day
- Radio and T.V programme
- Leaflets and C.D filim production
- Exhibition
Present status is 85 nos in the district. There is annual income of Rs 20,000/- by custom hiring