2022-23 | 27th -31st March 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Paddy straw / Commercial Mushroom Production | 20 (M-12 & F-8) | 30.03.2023
Kuamara(Khunta), Angargadia (Badasahi), Udala & Khiripada(Betnoti) |
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2023-24 | 19th -24th April 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Nursery Raising Vegetables. | 20 (M-13 & F-7) | 24.04.2023
Angargadia Farm house (Badasahi), & Sankhabhanga Farm(Baripada) |
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2023-24 | 25th -31st May 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Poultry Farming- Meat Production | 20 (M-17 & F-3) | 30.05.2023
Baisinga EC Farm (Betnoti) |
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2023-24 | 2nd -7th June 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Biofloc fish/ fingerling production | 20 (M-17 & F-3) | 05.06.2023 Badashi |
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2023-24 | 13th -18th July 2023 | Capacity building programme on nursery raising of Vegetables | 20 (M-15 & F-5) | 15.07.2023 Sankhabhanga Govt Horticulture Farm, Baripada |
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2023-24 | 24th -29th July 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Paddy straw / Commercial Mushroom Production | 20 (M-11 & F-9) | 26.07.2023 KVK Balasore, Baliapal |
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2023-24 | 17th -22nd August 2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Poultry Farming- Meat Production | 20 (M-12 & F-8) | 21.08.2023 EC Farm Nilagiri, Balasore |
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2023-24 | 25th- 30th September2023 | Capacity buildging programme on Biofloc Fish/ Fingerling Production | 20 (M-17 & F-3) | |
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2023-24 | 16th- 19th October2023 | Capacity building programme on “Scientific Millet Cultivation for Improving Livelihood | 20 (M-16 & F-4) | 18.10.2023(Mundakata & Golamundakata of Bangiriposi) |
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2023-24 | 3rd-7th November2023 | Entrepreneurship & Skill Development through Value Addition of Sabai | 20 (M-0 & F-20) | 04.11.2023 & 06.11.2023 (Suliapada & Moroda) |
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2023-24 | 13th-17th November2023 | Oyster Mushroom Production for sustainable Entrepreneurship | 20 (M-12 & F-8) | |