1. Name of the enterprises: Mushroom Cultivation, Spawn Production and Canning Unit.
2. Name and address of the entrepreneur:
Mrs. Gitarani Mohanty
At/PO Takatpur, Baripada,
3. Before KVK intervention what: technology he had adopted: Unemployed, Housewife
4. KVK intervention:
- Assessing the potentiality of the farmer, availability of inputs as well as marketability, KVK intervened in imparting Vocational Training on Mushroom Cultivation at campus.
- Sponsored to Central Tropical Mushroom Training Center at OUAT, Bhubaneswar for Advance Training on Spawn Production during 18.10.05 to 27.10.05.
5. Extension methodology applied:
- Vocational training and demonstration.
- Exposure visit to advanced farms on spawn production at Bhubaneswar.
- A field day on 29th March, 06 at her farm in which District Magistrate and Collector visited and interacted.

6. Improved practices applied:
- A commercial farm for Mushroom production with a capacity of nearly 500 beds in which at a regular basis to produce 30 kg of paddy straw mushroom as well as 10 kg of Dhingri mushroom daily.
- A spawn unit to produce at an average of 250 bottles daily for paddy straw and 100 bottle of dhingri mushroom with an investment of 6.5 lakhs with financial assistance from National Horticultural Board.
- In January 2007 a Canning Unit for paddy mushroom was setup investing an amount of nearly 6.0 lakhs, which is 1st of its kind in Orissa as well as in India.
- In addition gets more by value addition of mushroom, preparing products like dried mushroom, powder, pickles, squash, sauce etc.
7. Financial development: Earns an average of Rs.30,000/- per month from different enterprises.
8. Farmers reaction: Very very satisfactory and spirited to adopt the enterprises
9. Exact of diffusion of technology:
- The success story was well transmitted through mass media and electronic media. Stories on Daily Dharitri (12.06.06), Krishak Bandhu Annapurna (May, 07), Otv. (Nov, 06).
- Being impressed with the technology other farmers of Mayurbhanj District like Amulya Barik of Barasahi, Rabi Narayan Singh of Baunsabilla, Biranchi Narayan Dash of Basipitha etc. adopted the mushroom production on commercial basis.
- From the Royal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, 6 nos. of scholars from B.Tech (Bio-technology) have done their project work in the farm under the Supervision of Dr.Chandi Charan Rath, Professor, North Orissa University and technical guidance from Dr.K.B.Mohapatra. Asso. Professor and In-charge, Tropical Mushroom Research Center of OUAT during last July 2007.
- She received prizes at district Exhibition and State Horticultural fair at Bhubaneswar in the year 2007 for her satisfactory effort.