Entrepreneurial development in agriculture (Farming system)
1. Name of the farmer: Gorahari Mohanta, Mob. No.-09937606066
2. Address of the farmer:
Karanjia, Baunsabilla Shamakhunta.,
3. Details of farm:
- 4 nos of fish grow out pond of 1 ac. (each) along with stocking pond
- Dairy farming ( 5 nos of milch crossbred cows)
- Poultry farming having synthetic bird (vanaraja & black rock)
- Apiary
- Horticultural and rice fields
4. Membership: Actively involve in Pani Panchayat, Farmers club
5. Names of the scheme: Assistant under state scheme of KSK (Krishi Sahayak Kendra)
6. Initial Status:
Gorahari an unemployed rural youth having only traditional paddy cultivation and in habit of rearing desi poultry bird
7. Technology/Good agricultural practices/ facilities/ benefits obtained with details :
- Scientific pisci-culture and dairy farming-technology obtained from KVK
- Introduction of dual purpose colour bird Vanaraja for higher meat (2.5 kg in 4 months) and egg production (180 eggs annually)
- SRI method in paddy cultivation
8. Detail of results:
- Rearing of 125 nos of Vanaraja and Black rock poultry birds in 3 phases in last 6 months, he invested only Rs 4375/- towards chicks @ Rs 35/- per 21 days old chick and additional Rs 500/- for other miscellaneous expenditure. He got an amount of Rs 3500/- by selling only 28 nos of male birds
- At an average of 15-18q of fish production from ponds for 2 years
- 60q/ha in paddy cultivation investing only Rs.1350/- per ha this year
- 5-6 kg of honey from apiary investing only Rs. 4000/- once this year
9. Marketing strategy:
Though private/self due to proximity of his farm to the district headquarter i.e. urban area
10. Factors contributing to success:
- Vocational Training Programmes of KVK
- Front Line Demonstration of KVK
- Regular Linkage with different line departments including KVK
11. Any other relevant information:
Awarded with best farmers for the district during OUAT foundation day celebration from Honourable Chief Minister on 24 th Aug.2008
12. Diffusion of technology:
The success story was well propagated through print media and electronic media. The technology has transmitted through the SHG and farmers club, Govt. agencies and NGOs