Name of the Enterprise
Dual purpose backyard poultry farming with Vanaraja.
Name & address of the farmers
Soudamini Majhi
D/o Kanka Majhi
Saratchandrapur, Shamakhunta
Before KVK intervention
Farmwomen of this tribal district are traditionally conversant with rearing deshi colour birds for meat and egg production.
KVK Intervention
i) Assessing the potentiality and common habits of tribal women for rearing poultry birds followed by good marketability, KVK intervened with the latest technology through introduction of dual purpose colour bird Vanaraja for higher meat and egg production.
ii) The district administration was pleased to sanction a poultry unit under RSVY scheme at the total outlay of 5.0 lakhs during 2007-08 for rearing the day old chicks up to 21 days, which is the critical period of chick mortality.
iii) After schedule vaccination up to 21 days age, about 10,000 Vanaraja birds have been supplied to various SHGs of different blocks i.e. Shamakhunta, Baripada, Bahlda, Rairangpur, Betonati, Khunta and Karanjia.
Capability building in undertaking activities
i) Vocational training programmes.
ii) Front Line Demonstration.
iii) Farmers fair on Backyard Poultry Rearing with Vanaraja was conducted on 13.11.07 in the presence of Hon'able Minister for Animal Husbandry, Fisheries & Textiles, Hon'able Vice Chancellor & Dean, Extension Education.
Improved practices applied
i) Vanaraja poultry birds, an improved having potentiality for higher meat & egg production introduced.
ii) Vaccination against Ranikhet disease CRDF, on 7th, 28th day & R2B on 6th day Gumboroo (14th & 40th day) & Fowl pox (50th day).
iii) Deworming against coucidiosis (25th & “ 30th day)
Financial Development
Earns on an average of Rs.7,500/- per 25 nos. of birds within a period of 4 months.
Problem encountered in the vocation & solutions:
It is clear that poultry farming is quite remunerative. However, the following problems were creating hurdles in adopting the enterprise.
i) Non-availability of poultry inputs like chicks (DOC), feeds, medicines and vaccines in the near vicinity.
ii) Rearing of birds in intensive system by poultry feeds is not economical.
iii) Large scale rearing of Vanaraja poultry birds in backyard is evolving as a threat to the agricultural crops.
Training programmes organized by the KVK, Mayurbhanj enlightened the trainees to realize the scope and potential of poultry in the district as a source of income generation. The trainees who started poultry after attending training programmes at the KVK also played an important role in the popularization of poultry in their near by villages as a new era of income. Ultimately the combined impact provided a new dimension to poultry enterprise. Thus, KVK, Mayurbhanj laid the foundation for Vanaraja poultry rearing in the district, which helped to enrich the socio-economic condition of the farmwomen.