Success Story7

Name of the farmer: Nabin Chandra Mohanta

Age & Educational Qualification: 36+, 10th Pass


At/PO “ Bholagadia, Balidiha
Block “ Shamakhunta, Mayurbhanj
Contact No.9439094429

Details of Resources available with him:

  • Total land holding  10 acre
  • Un-bunded upland  2 acre, Rain-fed medium land  1 acre
  • Irrigated medium land  6 acre, Irrigated low land 1 acre


  • Live stock
  • Duckery 15 nos. Poultry  (Banaraja) - 25 nos., Goatery 10 nos., Sheep  6 nos.
  • Dairy  Cross breed Cow 1 no., Bullock  2 nos.


  • Other enterprises
  • Bee keeping  2 nos. (boxes), Oyster mushroom, Vermi- compost & Compost pit


  • Major crops cultivated
  • Kharif  : Paddy (8 ac.), backyard vegetables.
  • Rabi     : Green-gram (2.5 acre), Maize (0.3 ac),Vegetables (0.5)

Initial status:

  • He was an auto driver and part time farmer. There was an yield of 10-12 q/ac from paddy getting only Rs.20,000/- towards profit from 8 acre of land.
  • From green gram, there was a yield of 50 kg/acre from 2 acre of land.

Improved practices adopted

In paddy

  • He adopted SRI technology in 0.5 acre from which he got 10 q. yield with a profit of Rs.5,000/-.
  • He practiced scented rice in 0.5 acre land, from which he got a profit of Rs.3200/-
  • In other fields (7 acre), he achieved an average of Rs.15 q/ac. by adopting scientific cultivation with a profit of Rs. 30,000/-.
  • He also adopted farm mechanization in terms of use of power tiller, tractor, power thresher, power sprayer etc. along with use of marker and cono weeder  in SRI plot.

In green gram


  • By scientific technology, he got an yield of 8 q. from 2.5 acre land with a profit of Rs.20000/-
  • He also adopted farm mechanization like inclined plate planter and tractor.
  • In maize from 0.3 acre of land, he got a profit of Rs.2,000/-
  • In vegetable, from 0.5 acre of land, his profit was Rs.5,000/- annually.
  • From livestock, he earns about Rs.20,000/- from different components, in a year.
  • From fishery, be usually earns Rs.22,000/- from the 0.75 acre of land with a production of 5 q. of fish in a year.
  • From other enterprises like bee keeping and mushroom cultivation he earns Rs.7,000/- annually.

Financial Component:

As compared to his previous earning of only Rs.35,000/-, his profit reached upto Rs.1,14,200/- after the intervention KVK.

He also reduced his cost of cultivation by adopting farm mechanization.

Other attributes

He is a good facilitator and serves as a catalyst for diffusion of technology.  He has started a Farmers Science Club with the affiliation of KVK to promote the advance technologies to the other farmers in the locality.


Though having a good land holding and resources, he was faded up for agricultural activities due to its marginal benefit.  He then had taken up the occupation of taxi driving.  After establishment of KVK in 2005, he came across with the KVK scientists and bent upon towards the improved technologies and got the good result.  Now he is a full time agriculturist and inspired other farmers towards the agriculture and allied activities